Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Barcelona, Spain

I did not like Barcelona - not even a little bit. Even when we were still an hour or so outside the city, I felt a pressure on my chest, the air seemed thick and heavy, and I couldn't breathe easily. The outer beltway around Barcelona was filled with ugly industrial companies, and the traffic was congested, with the pollution hanging in the air like a huge filthy canopy.

While we were stuck in traffic, we saw an interesting cemetery built into the hill. Maybe someday my punishment in hell will be to be buried there, to permeate my soul with the nasty Barcelona air for all eternity.

Once inside, Guy took us to an historic place called El Templo de La Sagrada Familia, designed by architect Antoni Gaudi. I simply could not find an ounce of apprection for his style anywhere inside of myself. I thought the building was disgusting and not beautiful in any way.

We found an Italian restaurant in a hurry, as once again dinnertime was almost over. The shops were closing quickly all around, and we really had no time to look around at all before it was time to return to St. Cyprien.