Friday, July 21, 2006

Barnyard Friends

The girls discovered one of the kitten litters in the barn one morning; Guy and I found a second litter under a bush outside from another cat. And Zohra had her darling pups while we were in France. What a lot of cute little things for the kids to see...

Here's a video clip. Near the end Joey explains why he prefers the kittens to the puppies:

Ferme Dumont in Belgium

Guy's farm is a lovely old place from the 1800's, formerly owned and built by the town governor, Monsieur Dumont. Guy has 7 horses, a dog, and too many cats to count. While we were there, two of the cats had litters of kittens, and when we were in France, Zohra delivered her puppies. The kids were in heaven with all the cute little things, but of course, technology won their attention at least some of the time. :)

This was the view from the kids' bedroom window.